Why should you clean your furniture if it doesn't look dirty?
There are 2 main reasons why you should clean your upholstery.
1. Clean for appearance.
2. Clean for health.
Let's talk about appearance. Most people wait until they see moderate to heavy soil on areas of their upholstery. This is way to long to wait for a cleaning (professional cleaning). Once you see soil then the damage has started. Areas are getting wear from the abrasion. Some soil may be acidic and starting to break down the fabric and possibly yellow the fabric. These areas will have a wear patters (or shading) look even after cleaning.
Reason number 2, I feel is even a better reason to clean your upholstery. Your upholstery is usually the dirtiest place in our homes. We are out and about all day. Picking up germs on our clothes, purses, computer bags, etc... We then come home and sit on our upholstered furnishing. Most likely a blend of natural fibers. A great place to deposit these germs. Theses germs can survive for quite a long time.
MRSA can live for up to 7 months on dust
MRSA can live for up to 8 weeks on a mop head
MRSA can live for up to 9 weeks on a cotton towel
MRSA can live for up to 203 days (over 6 moths) on a blanket
Many other germs can live outside the body for a long time. So reason 2 is a great reason to have your upholstery cleaned.
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