Viscose (Viscose Rayon) is a fiber of regenerated cellulose; it is structurally similar to cotton but may be produced from a variety of plants such as banana tree stalk, soy, bamboo, sugar cane and many more. We are seeing Viscose everywhere and I don’t see it leaving anytime soon! We shouldn’t be afraid of it, we need to manage or client’s expectation about it.
Any guesses what the biggest complaint is? You guessed it. You can’t clean it with water! THAT’S NOT TRUE! You can use water on Viscose Rayon. It’s all about the training of the technician. Yes, we can correct the orange spots. Again, it’s all about the training.
My 2 biggest complaints are that we don’t protect the fiber with the proper fabric protection. That’s right, by using NewSeal or New Dimension Fabric Protector. There really is a difference. Please see our Video page.
And complaint #2---- We wait until we see heavy soil and then choose to call for a cleaning. Once you begin to see soil (walk patterns) you are beginning to have damage, shading and/or wear. Yes, you can still have the piece cleaned but you need to also expect a wear pattern.
How often should you clean Viscose? That is a great question. Let me ask you how often do you use the room rug or upholstery? What type of use? Social or formal? Food or no food? Children or pets? Was the piece protected and with what? I can only give you a range of 6-24 months. I would tell you the same if this was a wool or silk rug. Just because you spend $6,000 on an art silk (Viscose) rug or couch and you didn't spend $30,000 on a silk rug doesn't mean you don't have to clean it as often. Please remember that our upholstered furniture is the dirtiest areas in our homes. And the rugs and carpets (in our homes) can't be far behind.